Monday, July 2, 2012

June 25th Letter

Another week has passed! Time does go by fast, though the days can go by really slow. It's been a good week. A lot of tracting took place. And that's not my favorite but we picked up a few investigators so we will see where that leads. The other day we were tracting on this street and everyone was so mean. Then we came across this house with a bunch of lambs outside. I thought they were cute so I took some pics then this rounchy old lady in a moo moo came out and got mad. We talked to her a bit and come to find out she is LDS. Not active for 10 years. She was very hesitant to tell us though. Because now we have found her haha. You always get found... But anyway I don't really wanna go back there cause she scared me but we probably will.

A few days ago we were doing our morning planning and some J-dubs came to the door. Usually I'm told we just ignore them but I was all about answering the door. So i did. They were nice girls and I brought up the Book of Mormon. They accepted it and said they would read some. They said we were really nice so they would probably come back sometime. Haha it was funny, I hope they do.

So a miracle has taken place this week- yesteday in fact.
It started off really hard. There is an old italian guy named Luigi who the sisters have been seeing for a long time. I've only been around him 4 times but i love him. He is so goofy and fun to be around. He always has us sing to him after the lessons. The other night he brought out his tape recorder to tape us haha. That picture i sent in front of that bug with the tree inside is at his house. He is progressing, but very slowly. Last week (hope i havent already talked about this) We invited him to baptism. He didnt really give an answer but said he will keep reading and pray about it.
So we went back yesterday with the ward mission leader and some other brother. The lesson didn't go as we had hoped. He had already been taught the restoration but has a hard time understanding why the priesthood makes it all different from every other church. SO we went over that with him again and the brothers shared their thougts with him as well. Luigi just gets really distracted and has a hard time focusing. And toward the end he said he loves having us over but wont switch churches cause he likes his orthidox church and people. He's been to our church a couple times but he mainly just does it to make the sisters happy. But at least he has gone! But anyway. We left and the brothers said they are pretty sure he's just in it for the company. Which ive felt as well but hes also progressed some. But we hit a wall. It was basically a drop lesson. we will go back at some point to check up on him but it'll be a few weeks. And I just left there feeling defeated. I've never so greatly had the desire to help someone understand the gospel, and for them to except it. It has been my first real mission heart break. Beacuse I love that man. I know that everything is on the Lords time and it's just not his time. I felt really dissappointed but still had faith that things would just work out the way they should.

Shortly after, we got a call from a member. She said their daughters friend had come to church with them that day, and she wanted to learn more. She is 13 and her name is Samantha. We were excited to go meet her. Though I just prayed things would go well because it felt like everything fell apart earlier.
We went over to the members house and shared the first lesson with Samantha. She wants to get baptized! And go to girls camp in a month and do personal progess and all that stuff! It really was miracle. Here we had put so much effort into Luigi and things didn't work out how we so badly wanted it to- but the Lord placed this girl into our lives so we could teach and she is so prepared and ready for the gospel. We will be seeing her again tomorrow and we will set her with a date. Her mom gave her permission to meet with us. SHe isn't religious much but she said as long as we belive in God, Samantha could meet with us. I will continue to pray things go well and she progresses. I know the Lord is ALWAYS there, he has a plan. He has from the beginning. And we just have to have faith in knowing it all works out the way it has been planned to from the beginning.

I truly experienced a miracle yesterday. I know that this work I am involved in, is so real and so important to Heavenly Father. I experienced so many emotions yesterday. But it really is a miracle. Everything is going just how it's supposed to and as long as I continue in faith, I will continue to see miracles. I hope everyone has a great week.. :) Peace and blessings.

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