Monday, July 23, 2012

July 17th

Hi! My p-day is today... yesterday we had president interviews so it was switched. I'm still here so I passed. Just kidding. But President Castro is the sweetest man.Anyway....
I will start off my saying if you haven't read "Mountains to Climb" by Pres Eyring yet or lately, you should read it. It's sooo good.
Last week I thought my hip could have been broken. haha jk. But heres what happened. We were doing service for a less active. It was on a farm. And guess what?!? IN the farm areas there are tons of black widows!! I was freaked out cause we didnt have gloves and we were picking up wood and stuff. and then moving a ginormous lazy boy,.. sometimes I think people forget we are just girls and probably can't lift all of these things. Anyway, we were trying to get this giant steel trailer gate to come down so we could put this barbeque in, (how we even moved that i dont know, the power of God probably) and she unlatched it and it flew back and hit me in the stomach but mostly my hips so it kinda protected me but yet hurt a lot too.
So yep I can still walk and that was a freightening moment. All is well though.... Got that place cleaned up and got out with my bites.
Did anyone else know Bakerfield has the poorest air quality in the United States?? Yeah It's pretty gross. Thankfully this week isn't supposed to be as hot as last week.
I guess this member in our stockdale ward is going to be on wipeout tonight haha. YOu should watch it and let me know how far she gets. Her name is natalie zernberg. she's a nice lady, teaches sunday school.
Transfers are next week. We will see what happens. So make sure if you send me anything send it to Oxnard address.
We picked up a few new investigators last week so ill keep you updated later on that.
Last week some members too us to Panera for dinner. That was good, probably the classiest place here haha. I like when membs take us to dinner. Nice change.
Well sorry this is short but that's all i have. Love you all so much!

Sis Greer

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