Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rachaels first letter home!!!!!

Holy cats, it's finally P-day 8 days later! Sorry you thought you were getting an email Monday and it never came. I'm alive and stuff.
But the timer on this thing is making me feel anxious. Good thing I am a fast typer. Anyway, so yeah I'm at the MTC.
I'm glad you got my letter last friday, it was short but there was no time. Thanks for all the Dear Elders family, and Brittney!! It's so awesome to get those. It's like Christmas morning when the zone leader comes in the room with mail and everyone is anxious in their seats. I told you about my companion she is from Minesota her name is sister Bennett. We get along well which is good. SHe is also going to Ventura. TOTES COOL.
I have an awesome district. There are 2 other sisters in our district one is Sister Caffall going to New Hampshire from Gilbert AZ and lives behind uncle Mats house. Small world. And one is sister Kerns from Ogden she is going to Orlando Florida. Then there are 3 companionships of elders. They are all way funny so we have laughs inbetween all the MTC craziness. Let me tell you about that. THIS IS HARD WORK. Honestly getting up at 6:30 is the easiest part about it for me. It's just very overwhelming at times. SO much is expected from us but we feel like noobs. At least I do. It's getting better though.The phrase used here is "Trying to drink out of a fire house" no other way to explain it. SO much info all day long. But that's a good thing. Something I get tired of though is sitting in the same classroom for about 10 hrs a day. I never see the sun!! I've realized how much i need it. I fee like i live in a cave kinda haha. But it's a gospel cave...?
Never being alone is a super weird thing. Cause if you know me you know I like my alone time haha. But I'm sure I'll get used to it more. The day you get here they have you teaching. Which is so nuts haha. But that thing happened I told you about. Where before I even unpacked that night, a few hours after being here they took like 20 of us in a room and had "investigators" came and we had to answer questions/teach. Some of the investigators weren't even mormon for real so it seems odd to me cause that is a really awkward enviournement for a real investigator. But whatever. This guy Jose was asking a question about why bad things happen and so many suffer if god loves them. OUt of no where I raised my hand. I didn't have anything pllanned out in my mind so that was crazy. But i guess it was the spirit telling me to do so. I dont even remember exactly what i said but i felt good about it and the spirit was strong. Oh and we teach a few lessons every day here. they changed the MTC a lot just in august, you do a lot more teaching and thats good but its also really hard and it hard not to compare yourself to people. The forbidden rule i have broken at times. But sometimes you seriously walk out knowingy ou just bombed that lesson. It's frustrating cause you want to always be awesome!
I said my roomates were going to some other place but they are going to bulgaria they are way cool. umm what else... oh the food is good. I hated it the first 4 days. I just thought it was gross but now i think its decent and i like it most the time. Maybe it grows on you cause there is no other choice. Its just basic cafeteria food to me but at least there a several choices. The beds are bad haha I can't wait to have my own sheets and pillow when i get out of here! They have the worst sheets, i am on the top bunk so when you move it makes noises but also the sheets sound like crumpled up paper so its so louud when anyone moves haha.
I have a great branch president. President waits. I have talked to him a couple times and he is just such a sweet man and wants to help in any way. His wife is darling too. She has some bone condition so you cant hug her when she hugs you or her bones break. Thats sad. But shes really sweet and comes by our room every few days to see how we are. For gym every day we have an hour. and i always play volleyball. It's fun and sometimes if the weather is good we can go to the field out side. thats nice cause I miss being outdoors for more then 3 minutes. Thanks for the packages!! I got the undershirt mom and the one with the balloons and such. Oh and the glowing trident. Awesome. Thanks for still loving me even though I'm gone. Not likeyou wouldn't... but It's hard to know for sure sometimes ;)
My companions sees a different person she knows here literally every day it is ridiculous haha. I was getting kinda bummed the first while cause i wanna see someone I know!! But it's ok I will survive without any familar faces. I've been doing this Book of mormon extra help reading thing. The lady is just helping me focus more on EVERYTHING i read so i get more out of it. I think it's helping and thats cool cause ive seen more things then Ive eveer noticed before in some chapters cause of her techniques. First nephi blows my mind now there are so many things i never noticed before. So similar Lehi  experiences were to  joseph smith. But i cant get into that more now cause im running out of time. I love the gospel and all the blessing it has brought me. I love you guys so much and am thankful to have your support. I know this work is true. I just got back from the temple today it was so awesome. The only thing that would have made it better was to have my family there with me. I miss you and hope everything is going good. Write back soon and dear elder me more cause it makes me happy.
Ok i love you guys so much thank you for everything you have done for me i couldnt do it without you. Families are forever and thats the greatest comfort to me.
I love you.
Sister Greer

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