Friday, June 15, 2012

June 7th

It's P-day again! Which is crazy it seems like It just was. Kinda. But everything is going well. I can't believe I leave on Monday. 5:00 am... not awesome but ya it's crazy.
Where to begin... Not a whole lot has happened really. We teach a lot like I said before. MOstly in TRC. Which is where they have volunteers come in. We teach about one a day. It gets crazy in there, some of the people are so mean haha. Like Lawanna... Ugh. She is different. SHe is a black lady from the south. Throughout the lessons she will say things like "What you got to tell me? Why you here?!" It's kinda scary haha but she is nicer to the sisters. THank goodness for being female. I don't feel like we made much progress with her which can be frustrating but hey, I'm still a noob at this. BUT, the other day in TRC we had an amazing lesson with a less active couple (found out they really are less active) some poeple just do that cause they get paid to come here and they are curious as to what the missionaries have to say. So, that made me nervous knowing this was real and I wanted to say the right things. It was Georgia and Glade, an old couple. And we just talked about everything. Reasons why they stopped coming and just their thoughts about it all. We were both able to say the things that we felt inspired to say and when we asked Georgia to pray at the end, she accepted. And while she was praying she cried. It was really a great experience. We mostly talked about the Plan of salvation cause it had been a long time since they were active and didnt know what would happen to them anymore after they die. and if there was still hope. I know there is hope for everyone, its never too late. I hope they act on the way they felt.

Mom you have sent me so many packages!! haha you are awesome. You gotta stop though as much as i love getting a package. I don't have the time even to eat it all! But i share a lot and people like me for that :) But ya don't worry about sending more food right now, I appreciate it all though. The MTC food hasnt been making me fat, but all the stuff I've received probably is haha. I'm excited to get the chips and salsa today though ive been craving that! And the martinellies you sent haha my roomates and i were laughing so hard cause it's just so funny. We are excited to pop that thing open sunday night. Pretty sure you broke the mission law by sending that which makes it even greater. P.s cinnamons rolls were amazing. Holy cow so much food!! :)
Last night there was a power outage just for like 5 minutes. Don't know why. But i grabbed my glowing trident and my roomates and i galloped around the halls with it laughing. Sounds super dumb but it was like the funniest thing that's happened here. Oh the MTC...

The other morning we were doing our weekly service which was cleaning the bathrooms (worst job ever) and the fire alarm went off in the building. PERFECT TIMING. so we left and when it was over it was time for class. haha tender mercy from the Lord....?
I still have a cold! I got it like a week in, and it's just lingering forever. Everyone here is sick basically. I don't know who started it but they are dead to me. I'm sure it'll go away soon though.

Well that's about all... It's been a crazy time here and I'm leaving so soon. Pray for me haha. I'm excited to get to my mission but it will be totally different so that can be hard to adjust to at first. But I'll be good. I'm so thankful I have the opportunity to be a missionary. I know it's the best thing ive done in my life thus far, and I hope I can be and do whatever the Lord asks of me. Everyone have a wonderful week and you'll hear from me again soon!